
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

FREE Scrapbooking Class

Introducing my next FREE class; Gifts from the Past: Scrapbooking Heritage Photos.
As a scrapbooker I'm often told, "If you like to scrapbook so much I should just give all of my old photo to you." I'm guessing that I'm not the only scrapbooker who has heard this phrase. Most of the time I graciously decline their offer and continue scrapbooking my own, current photos. I have, however, in inherited and taken on a couple of HUGE projects of scrapbooking heritage photos. (You can find the details to one of them HERE.)

Today, I am thrilled to announce that I will once again be teaching a Scrapinar with Lain Ehmann from This class is FREE and will be focused on Heritage Scrapbooking.
You do need to preregister for this class but it is completely FREE. You can register for this class HERE. I'll see you soon! I'm so excited for this class, I know you'll LOVE it!


  1. I am all signed up! Glad you are hosting another class with Lain. :)

  2. I'm all signed up too! Hope you're having a good week. :)

    1. Yay! I'm so glad that I'll have a friendly face in the crowd!

  3. Sounds exciting! Not to mention motivational!

    1. I hope it's motivational, Leanne! I think you'll enjoy it :)
