Monday, September 30, 2013

Designer Introductions at Bella Blvd

Hey Everybody! Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you're here! If you made your way here from the Bella Blvd Blog or from another Designer's blog please enter your email address to the right so you'll receive updates from my blog!

Over the next couple of weeks on the Bella Blvd Blog you'll get to meet all the new designers and see the projects that were part of their applications. I'm excited that I get to share a couple of my projects here today.

The Snapshots line is such a fun line! I combined it with a feather and a die cut title to create this layout:
 I thought that attaching a feather under the title would be tricky but it really wasn't. I simply put a small line of liquid glue along the vein of the feather and then stapled the end of the feather with my tiny attacher. The die cut and letters stuck perfectly to the feather.
Now we're gunna shift gears and fast forward to Christmas....(just for a minute), it will be okay, I promise!

Bella has the most adorable Christmas line! I love the whimsical images and the bright colors. I think I used every piece of patterned paper in the collection to make this layout. I also may have gone a little circle crazy...maybe not...

My kids  may roll their eyes someday when they look back at this photo but it's one of my favorites!

***Just a quick note. Today is the last day you can sign up for True Scrap 5 and use the $50 coupon. Click here for more information and to read about my experience with True Scrap.***

Project manager account expired/blocked


Sunday, September 29, 2013

We are Ready for Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays (I may have mentioned that before ;) I don't very often decorate for holidays. Christmas and Halloween are pretty much the only ones. This year I wanted to create some of my Halloween decorations with my paper crafting supplies. This year American Crafts released an adorable Halloween line at Target. CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! The first thing I created was this banner:
This was honestly the easiest projects I have ever done. It comes pre cut, with the adhesive, and with the string. It took me 30 minutes to put together...tops! I was thrilled when I hung it up on my vintage gold mirror. I added a few stickers here and there that didn't come in the kit (the black stars and the center of the "o")

 Under the banner I created a spooky tree with lots of bats hanging from it. I just cut the bats with my Silhouette out of the patterned paper in the 6x6 paper pad. My kids love this tree, I have a feeling the bats will be arranged several more times before Halloween.

My neices moved away recently and this will be the first Halloween that we won't be able to spend with them so I thought I'd make some cards to send their way. What little kid doesn't love to get a card in the mail that's all their own?!?!

Until I get them in the mail they're sitting in my vintage flower frogs as part of my Halloween Decor.

Here's a peek at my Halloween Decorations. (It is not an easy task to take photos of decorations in front of a huge mirror without getting a photo of yourself in the mirror, yikes!)

Make sure to check at your local Target and get some of the Halloween goodies before they are gone!!

If you don't have a Target nearby here are a few other supplies you might be interested in!
Project manager account expired/blocked

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jumping Up and Down...Bella Blvd

I'm so thrilled to finally be able to announce that I will be staying with the Bella Blvd Design Team for another year! I absolutely adore Bella's products and working with Stephanie and Laura is fantastic! We have so much fun! You'll be able to see my projects as well as projects from the other new designers here next week. I will miss all of my dear friends that I made on last years team BUT I know we'll keep in close contact :)
I can't wait to get to work on this years projects and get to know the rest of the ladies on the team!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Glitter Girl's Scrapbooking Survival Guide is Open

The famous Shimelle Laine has a new (long awaited) class avaliable at Two Peas. I'll be signing up....come join me! Glitter Girl's Scrapbooking Guide

A Little Bit of Everything and the Winner Announced!

Hey there!

First of all I apologize for the delay in announcing the winner for my giveaway for the AC blog hop. I was feeling a bit under the weather last week and a few things didn't get checked off of my to-do list.

Congratulations to Beth from Mobile, AL. She is the lucky winner. 
I've contacted her and her box of goodies is on its way to her.
Thank you all for playing along. I'll be having a lot more giveaways so stay tuned :)

If you're looking for a challenge Life.Paper.Scrapbook has a fun one going on. It's a color challenge. All you have to do is create a project using this image as inspiration.
I haven't had a chance to play along with this challenge yet but the rest of the girls did a fantastic job and came up with some great projects. On of my favorites is by Leanne Allinson. I'm in awe with everything she creates! She's an AMAZING designer! 
Life.Paper.Scrapbook has a brand new host for the color challenge that comes around every month. It's BIG PICTURE CLASSES! How exciting is that!?!?
This month you could win a place in Craft Happy
12 weeks of cheerful projects to celebrate the holidays (and life in general)
LPS also has a coupon code for you to get $10 off use the code GRIN to get this special price and enter the challenge for your chance to win!

Head on over to Life.Paper.Scrapbook for all the details and to link up your project for your chance to win!
I think that's everything! I'll be back tomorrow with some fun news ;)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

True Scrap 5 is Coming Soon

True Scrap 5 is just around the corner on October 11-12. I just signed up and I'm so excited! October 11th & 12th can't come fast enough. Now, I've just got to find a babysitter and I'm all set!

My first experience with True Scrap was at True Scrap 3 in April 2012. I actually won my pass to True Scrap 3 on Jen Gallacher's blog. In order to tell you how inspired I was and how much of a blessing it was for me to be able to attend True Scrap 3 I must tell you the situation I was in when I attended True Scrap 3.

On February 27th 2012 at 2:47am I woke up from a dead sleep with horrible pain in my chest and my heart racing. I thought that I had really bad heartburn, so I tried a few over the counter medicines. The next few weeks are a blur and a mass of Dr.'s appointments, hospital stays and even a surgery to remove my gallbladder. At the end of March I was still very sick and had very little hope of a resolution to my illness anytime soon. I knew the Dr. I wanted to see and had the referral but it was a long LONG wait to get an appointment, a 6 month wait. I was exhausted, frustrated, and heartbroken. I learned very quickly to appreciate the small things in life. During those months all I wanted to do was the little things in life. I wanted to be a mom...cook, clean, dishes, laundry, take my kids to school, simply take care of myself, and I wanted to create again. I missed scrapbooking and documenting memories. Winning that spot in True Scrap 3 was a blessing in disguise. It was something that I could do with my laptop from my bed and still feel creative. To say that it was a great experience and exactly what I needed was an understatement! One class in particular stood out to me. That class is taught by Kelli Crowe. The name of the class is "Just Get It On the Page! Finally scrapbooking those photos and stories you’ve had lying around forever." (You can still take this class by clicking here) To be completely honest I thought that this wouldn't be a class that I was interested in. I wanted to create and design layouts not simply throw a photo on some cardstock and write the journaling with a black pen. I was wrong! Being able to add a photo onto some cardstock with a few stickers and journal with a black pen was exactly what I needed. I wasn't able to create like I usually do but "just getting it on the page" was something that I was able to do. After that class I took a few basic supplies and some photos and put them in a basket next to the couch and started creating again. I chose to create a few mini albums instead of layouts, for some reason it just felt better to me.

(These are some of the albums I created, nothing fancy but some of my most favorite memories are documented in these little albums)
So today, after 19 months of the onset of my illness, I'm facing a diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis. I'm happy to have a diagnosis and excited about the treatment I recently started. I try not to take the small things for granted and love "just being a mom!" Obviously, I've also returned to creating and designing scrapbook pages. I feel truly blessed to have such an amazing hobby and work with such amazing people.

Back to today and True Scrap 5. I know that my circumstances were very unique and not everyone will have the same experience but I can tell you that True Scrap is worth every penny you spend. When you look at it as individual classes it's less than $14 per class and that doesn't even count the make and takes and the fact that you get to interact with all the instructors live at the event and you get permanent access to all the True Scrap 5 classes.

Whew, now that I've talked your ear off and let you inside a bit of my personal life, make sure you join me for True Scrap 5 by clicking here and registering. I promise you'll love it!!! Also, if you use the code LUCKY50 before 9/30 you can save $50. That would make each class less than $10!!!

Have a great day :)

I almost forgot, here are links to a few more classes at True Scrap 3 that I loved.
Jen Gallacher "Beyond the Box: Creative ways to add journaling"
Shimelle Lain "The Perfect Collection: Using your favorite collection pack to the very last scrap"
Nicole Magouirk "More Stamping on Scrapbook Layouts"

Monday, September 16, 2013

Scrapbooking Classes

I love to take scrapbooking classes! I love to watch other peoples creative processes, how they use their tools, how they think about their projects, and how they go from a pile of supplies to a beautiful piece of art and a documented memory. Recently I've taken two classes at Two Peas in a Bucket and I absolutely adored both of them.
My dear friend Jen Gallacher taught the Tool School Class. I've never seen anyone that can make the most of their supplies. Jen has so many unique ways of using  the tools that most scrapbookers already have on hand. She's a natural teacher and such an amazing person! I make sure to enroll in all her classes!
The second class I enrolled in was Art Class by Wilna Furstenburg. This class is worth every penny I paid for it and MORE! Wilna has me mesmerized with every video. I'm amazed at what she can do with embellishments. I don't use a ton of embellishments on my projects so I'm always amazed with those projects that have a ton of embellishments.
Wilna's class inspired me to create this project with molding paste. I even created a video showing my process (you can see the video here).

The next class I want to take is Scrapbooking from the Soul by Jill Sprott.
Have you taken any scrapbooking classes recently? What is your all time favorite class? I'd love to hear from you. I'm always looking for a great class.