Today is the day
Paper Camellia revealed the April kit. This was such a fun kit to work with. This is the first layout I created using the main kit. These boys were very reluctant for me to take their photo...they were a little embarrassed. They are in middle school and
way too cool to have their picture taken.
I went a little crazy with my sewing machine on this project. I didn't do a lot of embellishing because the back ground is so bold. I decided machine stitching was a good way to add some texture without adding to the busyness of the page.
I created this little mini album with the
Oh Boy add on kit
There are a lot of elements in this kit with the Boy's Rule collection by Crate Paper. I triple heart this collection. With 2 little guys in my house I'm always excited for a really great boy's line.
Here's the cover of the mini album. The rest of the album will be on the Paper Camellia blog (and here) in a few days. Stay tuned....
This layout I created using both kits. I decided to create a layout all about me and about being a mom. Things have been busy around our house and I'm trying to keep things in perspective...I am a mom, first and foremost!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog! It means the world to me. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I love the little bits of love from my readers.
(click the contact me button to the right to send me an email)