Here are a few reasons why I choose to create with one photo:
- One photo often tells the story. Most of my projects are about everyday moments. I don't create around big events. For example on this project I documented a conversation between my son and I about reading. I quickly snapped a photo of him reading. The moment was over after I took the one photo and I was left with one photo and a few notes from our conversation.
- Sometimes there isn't a photo to go with the story that I want to tell. On this project I wanted to tell the story of my daughter leaving little love notes all over the house for me. I didn't have a photo of the exact event so I included the most recent photo of the two of us along with one of the notes she had left on my desk.
- And sometimes, one photo just tells it all. I don't feel like I need any additional support from more photos. Sometimes I just want the attention to be on a single photo. I had many many photos of my niece in her skunk costume but none of them caught my eye like this one did. It melted my heart and I wanted all the focus to remain on the adorable smile she had on her face.
What do you think? Is one photo enough or do you prefer a layout with many photos? That's one thing I love about scrapbooking. There isn't a right or a wrong answer. You can add as many photos as you want OR you don't even have to have photos on your projects if you don't want them.
What's your opinion on this scrapbooking controversy?
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