I've been working on staying more organized, especially this Summer while all of the kids are home from school. I'm trying to keep a healthy balance between my family, church, school board, scrapbooking commitments, blogging and everything in between.
I posted this photo on instagram the other day, simply because I was excited that I had a few things on my list actually crossed off.
I immediately got comments asking where I got this amazing to-do list. I didn't remember where I got it. Luckily, I noticed that the web address was printed at the bottom of the page. I'm thrilled that I can refer you to Simpleorganizedliving.com so that you can print your own list. (It's found under the Daily Planners Section.)
This is my daily go-to to-do list. I usually fill out my lists and tasks the night before. Because I keep track of scrapbooking/blogging commitments in another spot I don't write them on this list. (I have a list of projects that I need to work on on a post it note that I transfer from day to day, simply so I don't forget what I'm supposed to be doing when I sit down at my desk to create.) I have an entire binder that I keep track of all my scrapbooking/blogging commitments so I can write down all the details of each project.
I also have a small calendar that I keep in my purse with all the dates of everyday commitments in it (kids events, meetings, parties, vacations). I check my scrapbooking/blogging binder and my purse calendar in the evening and that's when I write down my to-do list.
One thing that I think is important about this list is that I keep it on a clipboard. My initial tendency was to put them all neatly in a binder with dividers and I did that for a while but then I realized that my list was never out and I never used it. That's when I put it on a clipboard. For some reason it doesn't bother me to have a clipboard laying on my desk/counter but I felt like a binder should be closed and neatly lined up on my self. Odd, I know, but it works for me!
On a typical day I will refer to this list 3 or 4 times a day as I complete tasks or remember something else that I'm supposed to do. My kids know that if they need/want me to buy something that their best chance at getting it is to write it on my list. They know I'll forget if they just tell me.
How do you keep things organized? Is there an app that you use or are you like me and you prefer actual paper? Is there a website that has helped you with organizational tips?
Let me know, I'd love to hear from you!
Great list. I found the customizable version. The link is below:
Thank you DBMM! I'll have to look into customizing one for myself. I don't know that I would change much from the original though ;)