I'd like to tell you that things are going super, fantastic, and nothing is ever wrong or out of place. Maybe I wouldn't like to tell you that. It's never fun to hear that everything is "perfect." I've mentioned before that I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis just over 2 years ago. Most of the time things go well. I do well on my medication and other than a little soreness and tiredness I don't think much about it. For the last couple of years when Fall has come around things have changed quite a bit. (The cooler weather is the culprit). I get a lot more tired and a lot more achy, which makes me a lot more cranky (and it turns me into a poet too apparently, LOL). Things that usually run pretty well around our house start to run a little less smoothly.
The kids started school and I did well for a few days. Then, I got hit with a flair-up and I've really been struggling, we've all been struggling actually. I've been able to do the very basics...and I mean VERY basics. I take the kids to school and I pick them up. That's about it. I don't cook, I don't clean, and I don't do laundry. I spend my time either on the couch or in bed, some days are better than others. After my diagnosis my husband rearranged his work schedule so that he goes to work earlier and comes home when the kids get out of school. This schedule has saved our little family; especially lately. Lately when he gets home from work, I go to bed. Yes, it's only 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon when he gets home but that's when I've needed to get some extra sleep. When my A.S. flairs up I need lots of sleep sometimes 14 hours a day of sleep. For the most part I've been able to keep up with my scrapbooking committments. Most (actually all) of my recent projects have been done either in my bed or while I'm laying on the couch. I'm so grateful for a great husband that picks up the slack when I'm not well. He does amazingly well at keeping our home up and running. Even with his help it's not been a great 3 weeks for our little family.
Other than momma not feeling well the kids are doing really well. They LOVE school and are so excited about their new friends, classes, and teachers. The two older kiddos have started taking music classes at school. We're now a family with a flute, a violin, a guitar, and a piano. They're so excited to be playing their instruments and can't wait to share each new note or technique they learn. The little man started preschool. If you follow me on Instagram you'll see that I've had a hard time letting him go...he's my baby. I only cried on the first day I dropped him off, since then it's been all smiles at preschool drop-off and pick-up.
So, there's the long version of why things may seem a little different here on my blog. I'm trying my best to keep up and as of today I'm feeling better. Not completely better but enough better that things are starting to return to normal. I'm going to bed at 8:00 now instead of 4:00 (that's a pretty big deal). I started a new treatment on Friday that I hope will make things significantly better. It takes a long time before I will see any change in my symptoms but I'm hopeful that I will see a positive change.
I am working on a couple of projects behind the scenes that I'm excited to share with you in the coming weeks. There are some fun holiday projects, fabric projects, some DIY home projects, and videos that I know you'll love.
Thanks for hanging in here with me. There are better days ahead...have a great Monday!
Wow Becki, that sounds tough. Great that you have such a wonderful husband and family. Hope the new treatment works.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sonja! I do have a wonderful family that takes great care of me.
DeleteMy husband struggles with multiple sclerosis, so I know exactly what A.S. is, and I commend you for having to learn how to live with this chronic condition. My heart goes out to you.
ReplyDeleteOh I am so sorry your family struggles with MS. It's an awful disease. I hope your husband is doing well and has found a helpful treatment. Thank you for your sweet comments.
DeleteI am so sorry to hear of your struggle. You are blessed to have a supportive family. Hugs and positive thoughts to you and yours and I hope your new treatment helps you significantly.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind thoughts Jenny! I am truly grateful for my supportive family. They mean the world to me!
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear of the pain you've been in... I'll be praying you are feeling better soon and that your current flare up passes quickly. You and your work are such an inspiration to me!
ReplyDeleteOh Mendi, thank you! You're so sweet!
DeleteI can't imagine how tough it must be to juggle a family and other responsibilities along with a health issue. Having young children is enough of a juggling act without having to work around medical issues. Hoping that your treatments improve your symptoms and keep flare-ups to a minimum. Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Karen! A young family is challenging, I love my family to pieces! I so appreciate your kind words!
DeleteSorry for taking so long to respond to this beautiful, real, and so inspiring blog post!! My father passed away 5 days before this post so I was quite busy with helping my mom and family! Things have settled down a little bit and I just wanted to tell you what a jewel you are - love this post and your beauty just shines!! Life is what we make it and it sounds like you are figuring out how to be happy in the parameters of yours - good for you - I truly admire you!!