True Scrap 5 is just around the corner on October 11-12. I just signed up and I'm so excited! October 11th & 12th can't come fast enough. Now, I've just got to find a babysitter and I'm all set!
My first experience with True Scrap was at
True Scrap 3 in April 2012. I actually won my pass to True Scrap 3 on
Jen Gallacher's blog. In order to tell you how inspired I was and how much of a blessing it was for me to be able to attend True Scrap 3 I must tell you the situation I was in when I attended True Scrap 3.
On February 27th 2012 at 2:47am I woke up from a dead sleep with horrible pain in my chest and my heart racing. I thought that I had really bad heartburn, so I tried a few over the counter medicines. The next few weeks are a blur and a mass of Dr.'s appointments, hospital stays and even a surgery to remove my gallbladder. At the end of March I was still very sick and had very little hope of a resolution to my illness anytime soon. I knew the Dr. I wanted to see and had the referral but it was a long LONG wait to get an appointment, a 6 month wait. I was exhausted, frustrated, and heartbroken. I learned very quickly to appreciate the small things in life. During those months all I wanted to do was the little things in life. I wanted to be a mom...cook, clean, dishes, laundry, take my kids to school, simply take care of myself, and I wanted to create again. I missed scrapbooking and documenting memories. Winning that spot in True Scrap 3 was a blessing in disguise. It was something that I could do with my laptop from my bed and still feel creative. To say that it was a great experience and exactly what I needed was an understatement! One class in particular stood out to me. That class is taught by
Kelli Crowe. The name of the class is "
Just Get It On the Page! Finally scrapbooking those photos and stories you’ve had lying around forever." (You can still take this class by clicking
here) To be completely honest I thought that this wouldn't be a class that I was interested in. I wanted to
create and
design layouts not simply throw a photo on some cardstock and write the journaling with a black pen. I was wrong! Being able to add a photo onto some cardstock with a few stickers and journal with a black pen was
exactly what I needed. I wasn't able to create like I usually do but "just getting it on the page" was something that I was able to do. After that class I took a few basic supplies and some photos and put them in a basket next to the couch and started creating again. I chose to create a few mini albums instead of layouts, for some reason it just felt better to me.
(These are some of the albums I created, nothing fancy but some of my most favorite memories are documented in these little albums) |
So today, after 19 months of the onset of my illness, I'm facing a diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis. I'm happy to have a diagnosis and excited about the treatment I recently started. I try not to take the small things for granted and love "just being a mom!" Obviously, I've also returned to creating and designing scrapbook pages. I feel truly blessed to have such an amazing hobby and work with such amazing people.
Back to today and
True Scrap 5. I know that my circumstances were very unique and not everyone will have the same experience but I can tell you that True Scrap is worth every penny you spend. When you look at it as individual classes it's less than $14 per class and that doesn't even count the make and takes and the fact that you get to interact with all the instructors live at the event and you get permanent access to all the True Scrap 5 classes.
Whew, now that I've talked your ear off and let you inside a bit of my personal life, make sure you join me for True Scrap 5 by clicking
here and registering. I promise you'll love it!!! Also, if you use the code LUCKY50 before 9/30 you can save $50. That would make each class less than $10!!!
Have a great day :)
I almost forgot, here are links to a few more classes at True Scrap 3 that I loved.
Jen Gallacher "Beyond the Box: Creative ways to add journaling"
Shimelle Lain "The Perfect Collection: Using your favorite collection pack to the very last scrap"
Nicole Magouirk "More Stamping on Scrapbook Layouts"