Since my space has been moved I've been working on lots of back to school projects. I thought I'd share my favorite collections with a "back to school" theme. There are two collections that I've been reaching for and have been using over and over.
My favorite collections for this years back to school projects are Public Library (October Afternoon) & Tiny Tots (Bella Blvd). I love the Public Library collection for my older kiddos and the Tiny Tots is perfect for preschool/early elementary aged kids. I've created many projects with the Public Library collection. Most recently I created a set of cards for my kiddos teachers. I'll attach them to a small gift for them to give to their teachers on the first day of school.
I also created a layout with the Public Library collection. It's one of my favorite layouts. I love how the title came together with the chipboard.
This collection goes really well with cork accents. I added some cork chipboard letters to the title and a few cork stars to the embellishment cluster.
The story behind this project is so sweet. My sister in law had come to visit one evening. My little man had just put his pajamas on and crawled onto her lap to read a Little Critter story (his favorite books). I was sitting next to them on the couch and snapped a quick photo (unbeknownst to them). It's not the best photo because it was taken at night and with my phone. When photos don't turn out very well I often change them to black and white. That simple change can make a world of difference to a "not so good" photo. Don't let a "so so" photo keep you from documenting a memory or a story that you want to tell. I thought it was so sweet to watch them reading together. I know my little man will love to look back on this when he gets a little older. He loves his aunt Kayla!!
Tomorrow I'll have a video featuring the Tiny Tot's collection from Bella Blvd. Until then you can check out THIS project I created for the launch of the Tiny Tots line.
See you tomorrow!
